Fast turnaround for support services

Variety of advanced complementary solutions

One-stop for everything: app, development, implementation, support

High performance system enabling high productivity

Online ERP & Accounting System delivering real-time data in a transparent, quick and reliable manner

System incorporates many years of real-world experience with particular focus on needs of marketing, finance, manufacturing and distribution

Easy to operate with data accessible everywhere

Interfaces to third-party systems (WMS, EDI, BI, B2B)

Cloud system for daily work Variety of advanced complementary solutions Online ERP & Accounting System delivering real-time data in a transparent, quick and reliable manner Interfaces to third-party systems (WMS, EDI,
CAV - Finance
Provides economic security by correct management of customer accounts in relation to the customer’s credit conditions. The system automatically synchronizes between the sales system and cash-management system according to pre-defined settings thereby saving time and minimizing the need to constantly get management approval.
This creates a high level of confidence in the company’s ability to manage the customer taking into account the customer’s credit rating.
This is a point-of-sale solution for wholesalers that works directly with the CAV-ERP system thereby ensuring a complete picture of inventory, sales, and returns in real-time.
Includes Technical Support
Easy Implementation and Efficient Operation
Manage Special Deals
Mobile Terminals for Warehouse Management
This terminal system is essential for businesses that need to manage inventory in a quick and orderly manner. The system provides real-time information for workers and saves resources, shortens timeframes, offers the customer prompt service by providing fast supply of goods and reducing human errors.
- Record returns
- Supplier Invoicing
- Supply Order
- Record of EDI Entry
- Confirmation of Receipt of Goods
- Recommendation of Express Purchase
- Records of transfers between warehouses
- Transfer packages between warehouses
- Transfer packages between locations
- Transfer confirmation certificates
- Transfers between locations
- Stock-taking
- Locator Management
- Location Finder
- Customer List
- Waybill/Delivery Note
- Tax Invoice for Customer
- Customer Order
- Customer Return Note
- Compiling/Assembling Order
- Checking Shelf Price
- List of Items
- Photo of Item
- Adding New Item
- Stock Count for Each Item
- Query Which Items are on Special Deals
Smart- Sale
Would you like to maximize the sales of your agents?
Get on board today with our new leading service and be sure you have at your fingertips all the data in real-time for managing your business through our simple and easy-to-use app accessible on any mobile device from any location.
- Meetings
- Return Notes from Customers
- Tax Invoice for Customer
- VAT Invoice
- Credit Note
- Price Quotes
- Monthly Targets
- Orders
- Receipts
- Reporting Daily Meetings
- Add/View/Update
- Initiate New Orders
- List Orders By Customer
- Prepare Price Quotes
- Display Price List
- Display Account Aging
- Display Customer Info
- Display Open Invoices
- Customer Current Balance
- Receipts
- Waybills/Delivery notes
Some of Our Customers